11/17/2009 |
3D! Surprised brain and eye! October 10th-November 11th, 2009 Newsight Japan exhibited at exhibition "Jack-in-the-brain and eye 3D!" Exhibitions held in Yokohama, Yokohama Science Center. http://www.ysc.go.jp/ysc/ysc.html
11/17/2009 |
International 3D Fair 2009 in Tokyo October 22nd-25th, 2009 Newsight Japan exhibited at the International 3D Fair held in 3D (Qinghai) National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation Japan. http://www.dcexpo.jp/
11/17/2009 |
DIS World Shikoku in Matsuyama November 4th, 5th, 2009. Newsight Japan exhibited at DIS World Shikoku in Matsuya held at Ehime Matsuyama. http://www.dis-world.com/index.html
11/17/2009 |
FPD International 2009 October 28th-30th, 2009 Newsight Japan exhibited at FPD International held at Pacifico Yokohama http://techon.nikkeibp.co.jp/FPDI/FPDI2009/
09/11/2009 |
Taiwan Digital Taipei2009 September 1st, 2009 Newsight Japan exhibited at Digital Taipei 2009 held in Taipei, Taiwan. http://www.dgtaipei.tw/jp/index.aspx
08/28/2009 |
apan Technical Information Center Seminar August 28th, 2009 Kyoto Kanda, President & CEO, had a presentation at Japan Technical Information Center Seminar held at Shinjuku. http://www.j-tic.co.jp/s10828.htm
08/ 3/2009 |
SIGGRAPH 2009 New Orleans August 3rd-7th, 2009 Newsight Japan exhibited at SIGGRAPH 2009 in New Orleans. http://www.siggraph.org/s2009/
07/15/2009 |
International Modern Hospital Show 2009 July 15th-17th, 2009 Newsight Japan exhibited at the Hospital Show held at Tokyo Big Sight.
07/ 6/2009 |
The 3rd Video Content Business Salon July 6, 2009 Newsight Japan exhibited at the 3rd Video Content Business Salon held in Kawasaki, Japan.
07/ 2/2009 |
Tohoku University 3D Fair July 2, 2009 Seminar was held in Kanda representative of our company in the 3D Fair held at Tohoku University on
05/14/2009 |
ESEC (Embedded Systems Expo 12th) May 13th-15th, 2009 Newsight Japan exhibited at ESEC held at Tokyo Big Sight.
05/14/2009 |
IVR (The 17th Industrial Virtual Reality Expo) June 24th-26th, 2009 Newsight Japan exhibited at the IVR Expo held at Tokyo Big Sight.
04/11/2009 |
Display2009 (Exhibition The 5th International Flat Panel Display) April 15th-17th, 2009 Newsight Japan exhibited at Display 2009 held at Tokyo Big Sight.
01/30/2009 |
Sign Shop & Display 27th Show December 10th, 11th, 2008. Newsight Japan exhibited at the Sign Shop & Display show held at Nagoya, Japan.